Effectiveness of Didactic Audiovisual Translation and English for Social Purposes to Foster Language Skills and Gender Awareness
Didactic Audiovisual Translation, Language Education, Educational Technology, Gender AwarenessAbstract
Exponential advancements in the technological field have opened numerous possibilities in the educational domain. In this regard, it is important to highlight the role of Didactic Audiovisual Translation (DAT), as it is a young field of knowledge that has developed in parallel with technologies. DAT involves the application of pedagogical translation to audiovisual texts, enabling students to become consumers and creators of audiovisual products through the application of adapted protocols from different modes of audiovisual translation (subtitling, dubbing, etc.). In addition, English for Social Purposes and Cooperation (ESoP) advocates for incorporating cross-curricular contents into language learning materials, allowing students not only to develop their language skills but also to simultaneously gain awareness of issues of social impact. The aim of this study is to explore to what extent the combination of ESoP and DAT is motivating for students and fulfils the goal of improving linguistic skills and social awareness simultaneously. The sample consisted of 32 participants. A didactic subtitling lesson plan focusing on the oppression of women's creativity throughout history was implemented, followed by a questionnaire. The results indicate that participants perceived improvements in their language skills, gender awareness, and motivation. It is of interest that future studies explore other DAT modes and their combination with ESoP with longer interventions.
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