Editorial: Tribute to Tiiu Märss and Philippe Janvier (16th International Symposium on Early and Lower Vertebrates)
The International Symposium on Early and Lower Vertebrates (ISELV) aims to promote the
study of the origin and early evolution of our own evolutionary lineage. This volume serves as an example of
the most recent symposium held in Valencia, Spain, in June 2022. Since its inception in 1967, the ISELV has
been organized 15 times prior to the latest conference in Valencia, which marked the 16th edition and the first
time it was held in Spain in over 50 years. This symposium stands out as the sole recurring international meeting
exclusively dedicated to the Palaeozoic vertebrate research community, putting special emphasis on topics
concerning the origin, diversity, and early evolution of vertebrates (including the first tetrapods). The compilation
presented in this volume represents the culmination of these conferences and serves as our tribute to
two distinguished researchers in the field of Early Vertebrates: Dr. Philippe Janvier from the Muséum National
d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris and Dr. Tiiu Märss from Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia.
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