Política antiplagio

We would like to highlight that submitted articles to the Spanish Journal of Palaeontology must be the authors’ own work, with novel and original contributions. Unethical scientific behaviour, such as Plagiarism, including unreferenced use of others’ ideas, replication without attribution of sections of text from other publications, the submission of a complete paper under ‘new’ authorship, or duplicate publication, understood as the production of multiple papers with the same, or essentially the same, content by the same authors, are never acceptable. In order to confirm the novelty of the contributions, all manuscripts are analysed by means of the anti-plagiarism system URKUND by Ouriginal. A text similarity of 20 per cent or more will be considered a high degree of plagiarism, and a deep review process will be conducted by the editorial team in order to unravel the nature of this resemblance. Plagiarism, whether deliberate or unintentional, is unethical in all situations and could result in the rejection of your manuscript. We would like to highlight that this conduct can damage your reputation and credibility as an author.