The image of the Greeks in the greek (codex H) and aragonese (Arag.) Chronicle of Morea


  • Ioannis Kioridis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Maria Sourba National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Dimosthenis Stratigopoulos Democritus University of Thrace


Paraules clau:

Chronicle of Morea, Greeks, Comparative study, Text of Copenhagen, Aragonese text


The study examines the image of the Greeks in two of the codices of the Chronicle of Morea, the H and the Arag ., texts of the 14th century, with the lost prototype tracing back to t he start of the same century. The image of the G reeks (which are usually called Ρωμα?οι and griegos respectively in the two texts )), is directly linked with the identity of the authors a nd the targeting of the texts ? composition The author of H aligns wit h the Franks, he disp arages the Greeks of Constantinople, while exhibiting a more positive attitude about the local Greeks of Morea. He does not hesitate to distort historical reality it self in order to achieve his goals, which are praising the Villehardouins and the nostalgic reminiscing of an era that had been lost for good. On the other hand, on the Aragonese text, the author’ s stance on the Greeks and the Franks  is generally negative. He, same as before, is positive regarding the local Greeks of Morea . The author never align s himself with the Francs, which makes him more objective. He is mainly interested in the subjects that relate to the Kingdom of Aragon, while his stance is influenced by the fact that his work is completed not long after the described events, comissioned by an prominent ex administrator of Morea.


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Com citar

Kioridis, I., Sourba, M., & Stratigopoulos, D. (2022). The image of the Greeks in the greek (codex H) and aragonese (Arag.) Chronicle of Morea. Studia Philologica Valentina, (23), 45–71.
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