Digital Technology: Distorted or Augmented Reality?


  • Alfonso Ballesteros Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche



Abstract: This paper aims to offer a humanist approach to digital tecnology by asking: “Does digital technology increase or disminish the stature of man?”, “does it offer us a better reality or does it distort it?” Here I consider that digital tecnology distorts reality. Distorts human knowledge (epistemological distortion), the individual (antropological distortion) and the relationship with others (socio-political distortion). It might be a lead out to look at the gardener with his sense-based-knowledge, his pacience and his capacity to distinguish between what is given and what is built.


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Author Biography

Alfonso Ballesteros, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

Departamento de Ciencia jurídica

Profesor Ayudante doctor 


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How to Cite

Ballesteros, A. (2020). Digital Technology: Distorted or Augmented Reality?. Cuadernos Electrónicos De Filosofía Del Derecho, (42), 24–42.
  • Abstract
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