The hybrid identity in ‘Tous les hommes désirent naturellement savoir’ (2018) by Nina Bouraoui
Identity, Algerian francophone literature, Lesbian, MemoryAbstract
In Tous les hommes désirent naturellement savoir (2018), Nina Bouraoui carries out the search for her identity. A hybrid identity born of a lesbian nature and built with the experiences of childhood, in Algeria, and adolescence, in France. Making use of the memory, the narrator makes a personal research with the will to answer the first philosophical question: “Who am I?”. To find the solution, Bouraoui begins his writing with a present that places us in the context of his search and that allows us to understand the argumentation and the thematic connection that runs throughout the book. The division is established between “Remember”, “Becoming”, “Being” and “Knowing”. The novel ends by announcing an uncertain future and reflecting a past of which we are all heirs. The goal of this article, The hybrid identity in 'Tous les hommes désirent naturellement savoir' (2018) de Nina Bouraoui, is to find out how is composed the identity of the narrator.
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