Multiple identities during Alexandra David-Neel’s travels
Travel, Correspondence, Identity, OthernessAbstract
The question of identity has always been present and has been the subject of various questions over time. Today, most specialists consider identity as an evolution, a construction dedicated to metamorphosis. Alexandra David-Neel was no stranger to these issues, she claimed in her early writings the freedom to be oneself. She is known as a feminist, freemason, and opera singer under the name of Alexandra Myrial, but also as a journalist under the name of Alexandra David; but she is known especially as an explorer and orientalist under the name of Alexandra David-Neel. Identity changes were a common practice for the traveller, she successfully frequented all types of environments and had an unusual sense of otherness. Known for her art of disguise, she took on many identities to reach her goal during her travels. During this work, we wish to observe through correspondence with her husband, how the plural identities adopted during her journey have contributed to the construction of her own identity.
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