Don Juans and macho men of the 90’s : representations of a masculinity in crisis?
seduction, virility, donjuanism, machismAbstract
As Elisabeth Badinter reminded us, masculinity is essentially relational: virility proof is to be demonstrated to the group of the other men and is defined through a succession of differenciation processes, as regards women in particular, starting with the mother. Love an sexuality are also fundamental regarding gender identity development. After the sexual revolution in the seventies, which gradually questioned male dominance and patriarchy, seduction mechanism do change. As vestiges of an outdated social and sexual hierarchy, don juans and macho men image is undermined by authors. In the last decade of the twentieth century, within a context marked by the announcement of a masculinity crisis, the four seducers staged by Nelly Kaplan, Roland Topor and Juan Jose Bigas Luna are opportunities to question a masculine identity and gender relations that have become problematic.
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