Women artists in the novels of Henri Lopes
female artist, novel production, media devices, activist, intermedialityAbstract
This article examines the female characters in Henri Lopes’s novels Sur l’autre rive (1992), Le Lys et le Flamboyant (1997) and Une enfant de Poto-Poto (2012). The presence of female figures in Lopes’s work is not casual. It stems from the author’s desire to use women not only to honour them, but also to encourage them to emancipate and free themselves from society. As a result, all the novelist’s narrative fictions present several facets of women as a character: their psychological characteristics, their struggle and, above all, their profession as artists. Our study is interested in the status of women artists. According to this observation, the following question arises for our study: how does Henri Lopes portray the woman artist in his work? Drawing on Philippe Hamon’s (1972) semiology of the novelistic character and Jürgen Ernst Müller’s (2000) intermediality, we will elucidate the strategies and discursive techniques used by Lopes in the process of creating female artistis characters in the three narrative fictions mentioned.
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