Science and policy to combat desertification: The institutional response to a global challenge


  • Víctor M. Castillo Sánchez Soil and Water Conservation Research Group at the Centre for Applied Edaphology and Biology of the River Segura (CEBAS-CSIC) in Murcia (Spain).



UNCCD, drylands, land degradation, drought, science-policy interface


Desertification is a controversial concept whose nature, extent, causes, and potential solutions are still debated. This paper reviews the arguments put forward for considering desertification a global environmental challenge. We also analyse the institutional response within the United Nations system, especially that of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Thus, the most significant elements of the desertification debate are analysed with respect to their scientific and political dimensions. The text concludes by discussing the need to establish an integrated framework for assessing and responding to desertification that is validated by a science-policy interface.


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Author Biography

Víctor M. Castillo Sánchez, Soil and Water Conservation Research Group at the Centre for Applied Edaphology and Biology of the River Segura (CEBAS-CSIC) in Murcia (Spain).

Research Professor in the Soil and Water Conservation Research Group at the Centre for Applied Edaphology and Biology of the River Segura (CEBAS-CSIC) in Murcia (Spain). He is a specialist in degradation processes, restoration of areas affected by desertification, and Mediterranean watersheds. From 2009 to 2017 he worked at the secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, where he coordinated the Science and Technology Unit


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How to Cite

Castillo Sánchez, V. M. (2023). Science and policy to combat desertification: The institutional response to a global challenge. Metode Science Studies Journal, (13), 17–23.
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Drylands. Opportunities, challenges, and threats
