A mysterious Universe: Revealing the bright and dark sides of the cosmos


  • Susana Planelles University of Valencia (Spain).
  • Veronica Biffi University of Trieste (Italy).




cosmology, astrophysics, baryons, dark matter, dark energy


Why is our universe as we observe it? Will it be the same forever? Understanding the nature of the main constituents of the universe is crucial to obtain a precise description of the way in which it reached its present state. Nowadays, many independent observations support a picture in which the matter content of the universe is shared between an ordinary and observable baryonic component (~5?%) and an invisible dark matter (~23?%). The remaining ~72?% of the universe content is in the form of a completely mysterious dark energy field. This composition emphasizes that, while ~95?% of our universe represents a major uncertainty for us, even the minor contribution from normal and, apparently, known matter entails important challenges for cosmologists.


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Author Biographies

Susana Planelles, University of Valencia (Spain).

Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Valencia (Spain), where she also obtained her PhD in 2011. Her scientific interests are mainly focused on the field of Computational Cosmology. In particular, a major part of her research is devoted to analyse and interpret the formation and evolution of galaxy clusters in large cosmological simulations.

Veronica Biffi, University of Trieste (Italy).

Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Trieste and associated to the INAF Observatory of Trieste (Italy). Starting with her PhD in Munich, her research mainly focuses on the physics of galaxy clusters, through their study via numerical cosmological simulations and the comparison to X-ray synthetic observations of the hot intra-cluster medium.


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How to Cite

Planelles, S., & Biffi, V. (2017). A mysterious Universe: Revealing the bright and dark sides of the cosmos. Metode Science Studies Journal, (7), 153–161. https://doi.org/10.7203/metode.7.8793
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