Una progènie espantosa? El futur del cultiu d’humans
https://doi.org/10.7203/metode.12.20651Paraules clau:
enginyeria de teixits, cèl·lules mare, organoides, reprogramació cel·lular, transhumanisme
Les biotecnologies actuals no sols ofereixen noves possibilitats per a la medicina, també estan transformant el que entenem per ser humà. Concretament, el descobriment de l’extrema plasticitat de les cèl·lules –la possibilitat d’intercanviar tipus de teixits i de regenerar l’estat cel·lular embrionari a partir del qual creixem– ens obliga a enfrontar-nos al fet que som una comunitat contingent de cèl·lules vives, i desafia les idees tradicionals d’autoconsciència i identitat. En aquest article s’exploren algunes d’aquestes tecnologies i les seues implicacions socials, ètiques i filosòfiques.
Aach, J., Lunshof, J., Iyer, E., & Church, G. M. (2017). Addressing the ethical issues raised by synthetic human entities with embryo-like features. eLife, 6, e20674. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.20674
Adli, M. (2018). The CRISPR tool kit for genome editing and beyond. Nature Communications, 9, 1911. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04252-2
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Boland, M. J., Hazen, J. L., Nazor, K. L., Rodriguez, A. R., Gifford, W., Martin, G., Kupriyanov, S., & Baldwin, K. K. (2009). Adult mice generated from induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature, 461, 91–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature08310
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Harrison, S. E., Sozen, B., Christodoulou, N., Kyprianou, C., & Zernicka-Goetz, M. (2017). Assembly of embryonic and extraembryonic stem cells to mimic embryogenesis in vitro. Science, 356(6334), eaal1810. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aal1810
Kim, J., Koo, B. K., & Knoblich, J. A. (2020). Human organoids: Model systems for human biology and medicine. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 21, 571–584. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41580-020-0259-3
Kojima, J., Fukuda, A., Taira, H., Kawasaki, T., Ito, H., Kuji, N., Isaka, K., Umezawa, A., & Akutsu, H. (2017). Efficient production of trophoblast lineage cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Laboratory Investigation, 97, 1188–1200. https://doi.org/10.1038/labinvest.2016.159
Li, F., Hu, J., & He, T.-C. (2017). iPSC-based treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): The path to success requires more than blind faith. Genes & Disease, 4(2), 41–42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gendis.2017.03.001
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Nagoshi, N., Tsuji, O., Nakamura, M., & Okano, H. (2019). Cell therapy for spinal cord injury using induced pluripotent stem cells. Regenerative Therapy, 11, 75–80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reth.2019.05.006
Payne, N. L., Sylvain, A., O’Brien, C., Herszfeld, D., Sun, G., & Bernard, C. C. A. (2015). Application of human induced pluripotent stem cells for modeling and treating neurodegenerative diseases. New Biotechnology, 32(1), 212–228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbt.2014.05.001
Pera, M. (2017). Embryogenesis in a dish. Science, 356(6334), 137–138. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aan1495
Saitou, M., & Miyauchi, H. (2016). Gametogenesis from pluripotent stem cells. Cell Stem Cell, 18(6), 721–735. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2016.05.001
Simunovic, M., & Brivanlou, A. H. (2017). Embryoids, organoids and gastruloids: New approaches to understanding embryogenesis. Development, 144(6), 976–985. https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.143529
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Tang, P. C., Hashino, E., & Nelson, R. F. (2020). Progress in modeling and targeting inner ear disorders with pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports, 14(6), 996–1008. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stemcr.2020.04.008
Takahashi, K., Tanabe, K., Ohnuki, M., Narita, M., Ichisaka, T., Tomodad, K., & Yamanaka, S. (2007). Induction of pluripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts by defined factors. Cell, 131(5), 861–872. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2007.11.019
Takahashi, K., & Yamanaka, S. (2006). Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors. Cell, 126(4), 663–676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2006.07.024
Aach, J., Lunshof, J., Iyer, E., & Church, G. M. (2017). Addressing the ethical issues raised by synthetic human entities with embryo-like features. eLife, 6, e20674. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.20674Adli, M. (2018). The CRISPR tool kit for genome editing and beyond. Nature Communications, 9, 1911. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04252-2Bernal, J. D. (1970). The world, the flesh and the devil: An enquiry into the future of the three enemies of the rational soul. Jonathan Cape. (Original work published in 1931).Boland, M. J., Hazen, J. L., Nazor, K. L., Rodriguez, A. R., Gifford, W., Martin, G., Kupriyanov, S., & Baldwin, K. K. (2009). Adult mice generated from induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature, 461, 91–94. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature08310Greely, H. T. (2016). The end of sex and the future of human reproduction. Harvard University Press.Greely, H. T. (2021). CRISPR people: The science and ethics of editing humans. MIT Press.Harrison, S. E., Sozen, B., Christodoulou, N., Kyprianou, C., & Zernicka-Goetz, M. (2017). Assembly of embryonic and extraembryonic stem cells to mimic embryogenesis in vitro. Science, 356(6334), eaal1810. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aal1810Kim, J., Koo, B. K., & Knoblich, J. A. (2020). Human organoids: Model systems for human biology and medicine. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 21, 571–584. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41580-020-0259-3Kojima, J., Fukuda, A., Taira, H., Kawasaki, T., Ito, H., Kuji, N., Isaka, K., Umezawa, A., & Akutsu, H. (2017). Efficient production of trophoblast lineage cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Laboratory Investigation, 97, 1188–1200. https://doi.org/10.1038/labinvest.2016.159Li, F., Hu, J., & He, T.-C. (2017). iPSC-based treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): The path to success requires more than blind faith. Genes & Disease, 4(2), 41–42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gendis.2017.03.001More, M., & Vita-More, N. (Eds.). (2013). The transhumanist reader. Wiley-Blackwell.Nagoshi, N., Tsuji, O., Nakamura, M., & Okano, H. (2019). Cell therapy for spinal cord injury using induced pluripotent stem cells. Regenerative Therapy, 11, 75–80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reth.2019.05.006Payne, N. L., Sylvain, A., O’Brien, C., Herszfeld, D., Sun, G., & Bernard, C. C. A. (2015). Application of human induced pluripotent stem cells for modeling and treating neurodegenerative diseases. New Biotechnology, 32(1), 212–228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbt.2014.05.001Pera, M. (2017). Embryogenesis in a dish. Science, 356(6334), 137–138. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aan1495Saitou, M., & Miyauchi, H. (2016). Gametogenesis from pluripotent stem cells. Cell Stem Cell, 18(6), 721–735. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2016.05.001Simunovic, M., & Brivanlou, A. H. (2017). Embryoids, organoids and gastruloids: New approaches to understanding embryogenesis. Development, 144(6), 976–985. https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.143529Squier, S. M. (2004). Liminal lives: Imagining the human at the frontiers of biomedicine. Duke University Press. https://doi.org/10.1215/9780822386285Tang, P. C., Hashino, E., & Nelson, R. F. (2020). Progress in modeling and targeting inner ear disorders with pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports, 14(6), 996–1008. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stemcr.2020.04.008Takahashi, K., Tanabe, K., Ohnuki, M., Narita, M., Ichisaka, T., Tomodad, K., & Yamanaka, S. (2007). Induction of pluripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts by defined factors. Cell, 131(5), 861–872. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2007.11.019Takahashi, K., & Yamanaka, S. (2006). Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors. Cell, 126(4), 663–676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2006.07.024
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