Dialogues between art and nature: Aesthetic reflection as a context


  • Romà de la Calle University of Valencia (Spain).




philosophy, art and aesthetics, experience, aesthetic object and beauty, art vs nature, organicism and mechanism


The relationship between natural and artistic aesthetics has not always been easy. Neither have the correlations between art and nature been independent from the contextualising filter that is human cultural history and its corresponding scientific developments. Approaching the subject requires studying the transition between the rights of the natural environment and its unstoppable conversion into a nature-product over time. It requires us to reflect upon a number of dichotomies: aesthetic and natural objects; representation and expression; nature as an available reality and nature as a given reality; natural environment and artificial environment. These conceptual and functional hinges may provide us with a better understanding of the different historical moments that have articulated the dialogues between art and nature.


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Author Biography

Romà de la Calle, University of Valencia (Spain).

Honorary professor at the University of Valencia (Spain). He was a Tenured Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of Art and president of the Saint Charles Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Valencia. In the academic field, he has developed his career dealing with aesthetics and the historical and critical research of plastic and visual arts.


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How to Cite

de la Calle, R. (2023). Dialogues between art and nature: Aesthetic reflection as a context. Metode Science Studies Journal, (13), 169–174. https://doi.org/10.7203/metode.13.23666
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Beauty and nature
