Science is the answer. This is the message that should permeate society after the COVID-19 crisis. And yet, it looks doubtful that we will learn anything from it. Most probably, we will be back at square one, with a science that is merely a subsidiary of economy, where the standards to measure everything are an alleged progress and welfare. The latest news makes us feel pessimistic regarding this point. It seems that, as soon as this pandemic scenario fades away, we will be back to a model that is profoundly counter-productive for the planet’s balance, one that does more harm than good.
Indeed, short-termism is all-encompassing, but it is absolutely necessary to look for a much more sustainable model as soon as the crisis is over. One that focuses on proximity, keeps clear of urban macro-projects (like the expansion of the Valencia port, which should be seriously reconsidered). We must return to the state of climate emergency and understand that this pandemic is also a consequence of climate change and our hyper-global world. In our website, we have tried to keep our dissemination of pandemic information as close as possible to scientific facts. This new volume of Mètode Science Studies Journal collects monographs on different fields such as biotechnology, food and eating, and climate change, in an effort to disseminate science from rigour and social commitment.
Now more than ever, we need your support to keep publishing quality scientific content for many more years. Now more than ever, we need you to choose science as the answer.
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