Interim Report on Survey of Teaching Practices In Developing Countries


  • Ernesto Schiefelbein University of Chile
  • Noel F. McGinn Harvard University



Teaching practices. Teacher training. Developing countries. Frontal teaching. Whole class method. In-service learning. Discussion method.


This paper illustrates a research method appropriate for researchers examining teaching practices and teacher training in poor countries. The method of research described here does not compare with large scale studies in terms of sample size, scientific rigor, and sophisticated statistical analysis. We believe, however, that it can, provide valid information sufficient in accuracy for policy making. Most importantly, we believe, this method offers a feasible way for national researchers to explore why teachers teach as they do in their country.

A fundamental assumption is that once in the classroom most teachers learn little more about teaching. In the absence of any systematic feedback or self-reflection on their experiences, they persist in using practices learned in their initial training.  On that basis we invited colleagues in a number of countries to share observations on how teachers teach. The compiled results provide an explanation for low levels of learning in many developing country schools.

We then propose a second-stage research that collects information on teacher training practices.

Author Biographies

Ernesto Schiefelbein, University of Chile

Ernesto Schiefelbein es Investigador Asociado de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Pedro de Valdivia 641, Santiago.  Ingeniero Comercial, especializado en educación, ha sido director regional de UNESCO, asesor en países en desarrollo, Ministro de Educación de Chile, ganador del Premio Comenio de Unesco, y ha participado en investigaciones sobre mejoramiento educativo.

Noel F. McGinn, Harvard University

Noel F. McGinn es Profesor Emérito de la Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 6 Summer St. Ct. Nahant MA 01908 USA. Sociólogo de formación ha sido profesor universitario en México y Chile, es ganador del Premio Andrés Bello de la OEA, asesor en educación en varios países en desarrollo y ha participado en investigaciones sobre reforma educativa.






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