Are the expectations of families the same as those of teachers in relation to immigrant students?


  • Nahia Intxausti University of the Basque Country
  • Feli Etxeberria University of the Basque Country: Basic
  • Luis Joaristi University of the Basque Country: Basic



Expectatives, family, teacher, school-family relation, immigrant families, inclusive school.


This research aims to describe future expectations of immigrant families and classroom teachers about students of Primary Education in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. First generation transnational immigrant settlement in the last decade highlights the need to pay attention to the processes of incorporation of their children.  Expectations with respect to academic and professional achievements, language learning and development of social relationships of 302 immigrant families and their form tutor are studied. Results indicate a direct relationship between the expectations of families and teachers in academic achievement when it comes to college expectations and Secondary Education. It highlights, simultaneously, a direct positive relationship between teachers’ and families’ expectations towards Basque and English achievement, being highest the families’ ones towards Basque achievement, and very similar in the case of English achievement. The families’ and teachers’ expectations regarding professional achievement, Spanish language learning, the maintenance of the language of origin as well as the development of social relations are not directly related.

Author Biographies

Nahia Intxausti, University of the Basque Country

PhD in Education and lectures at the University of the Basque Country’s Department of Didactics and School Organisation. Her research focuses mainly on intercultural education and family engagement in education in culturally diverse contexts

Feli Etxeberria, University of the Basque Country: Basic

Chair of Language Pedagogy at the University of the Basque Country’s Department of Research and Diagnosis Methods in Education. Her research focuses on the field of bilingualism and education, as well as on language and culture in multicultural educational contexts.

Luis Joaristi, University of the Basque Country: Basic

PhD in Education and lectures at the University of the Basque Country’s Department of Research and Diagnosis Methods in Education. He is a member of the University of the Basque Country’s GIU05/17 research group. His research mainly focuses on the assessment of programmes, schools and education systems, with special attention being paid to methodological questions of data analysis and aspects related to foreign language teaching


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