Difficulties of Turkish science gifted teachers: institutions of science and art centers


  • Mehmet Küçük Karadeniz Technical University
  • Murat Gökdere Ondokuz May?s University
  • Salih Çepni Karadeniz Technical University




Science and Art Centers, Science Teachers of Gifted student, Turkish Educational Context


The purpose of this study is to determine the fundamental problems of science gifted teachers (SG/Ts) who teach Turkish gifted children (G/C) and compare it with the international milieu. Turkish G/C are taught in different educational contexts named “Science and Art Centers” (SACs) in which better opportunities are presented for them. In this project, field observations were done at three of the SACs in Turkey - in Bayburt, Sinop and Trabzon - and, semi-structured interviews were conducted with each of ten SG/Ts who work in these centers by one of the researchers. Data analysis showed that SG/Ts do not perceive their duties holistically and feel the need help with measurement and assessment techniques, modern learning theories, plan and implementation of a research project, questioning techniques and using laboratory-based methods for G/C. Moving from the research data, it is suggested that in service education courses, which include the above issues should be organized for the SG/Ts and they should be encouraged to use an action research approach in teaching G/C in SACs.


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