Optimization of Computerized Adaptive Tests (CAT) through the self-start procedure


  • Jordi Renom Universidad de Barcelona
  • Eduardo Doval Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Miguel Sellés TAD Sistemas




Computerized Adaptive Tests, CAT, item bank


The Computerized Adaptive Tests (CAT) have many ad-vantages over the Conventional Test of paper and pencil, but their main disadvantage is that imply to build an item bank (IB) with an important size, and it involves working with high samples of subjects. It all implies that the elabo-ration process of a TAI is extremely complex and expen-sive, and it means a brake to the development of this kind of strategies.
In this work we analyse in an empirical way the possi-bilities of the Self-start procedure making TAIs, a routine to build BI designed by Renom y Martinez (1995) that allow to measure the items partially avoiding the disad-vantages pointed out above. Good products are obtained with this method bering in mind the economy of the pro-cess and the similarity of the final products in relation to conventional techniques.


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