Literary lessons by Sancho de Muñón in the Tragicomedia de Lisandro y Roselia
Celestina, Imitation, Dissents, Jurist speech, The keeper of honour
In the Tragicomedia de Lisandro y Roselia, Oligides, Lisandro’ servant, argues against Celestina’s supposed resurrection when she reappeared in the Segunda Celestina and the Tercera parte. He shows that she was instead a different procuress. Elicia, who succeeds her aunt’s profession in the cuarta obra, denies being a matchmaker, as the procuress denies being one in the Tercera parte. Thus, Sancho de Muñón follows his predecessors’ general path in his Tragicomedia. However, he chooses different ways; for instance, he introduces legal language instead of using speeches of African slaves, or that of a rustic shepherd or an inhabitant from Biscay, like in the other two Celestinas. The writer does not keep the minor servants in his work, but instead, he gives a brother to Roselia, Beliseno who is the keeper of the family's honour. Beliseno is also the one who brings the tragic and terrible ending to the Tragicomedia, as he kills Lisandro and Roselia in the garden with his arrows.
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