How the public sector buys small things: direct procurement in the European Union and the opportunities for the Social Economy organizations




Direct (or low value) procurement can foster the participation of SMEs in public procurement. However, although they all come from the same Directive, a review of the national legislations shows that there is not a common model for this type of procedures. The thresholds in the national legislations vary without a visible explanation for it. To assess if countries can be grouped a hierarchical analysis was performed. Meanwhile, to research whether economic and social factor can influence the establishment of different conditions for direct public procurement in each Member State a regression model was applied. The results contradict the widely proclaimed intention of promoting SMEs in public procurement, since there is not direct relation between the percentage of SMEs in the economic fabric and the thresholds for the contracts. The limitations on direct procurement have probably more to do with cultural reasons and legislative traditions than with economic and social factors. Higher thresholds and specially the differentiation for, social services that present some Member States could be an opportunity for social entities. The legislative modifications of several countries point in the direction of favoring a minimum number of competitors. The study shows that noticeable divergences can be found in the way Member States regulate direct procurement, contrary to the convergency that can be observed generally in the field of public procurement.


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Author Biographies

Javier Mendoza Jiménez, Universidad de La Laguna

Javier Mendoza Jiménez, es doctor por la ULL y actualmente es parte del Departamento de Dirección de Empresas e Historia Económica. A parte de su master en Estudios Europeos por la Universidad de Letonia, cuenta con experiencia investigadora y docente en USA, Canadá, Rusia, India, Italia y Letonia y ha participado en numerosas conferencias internacionales sobre la UE como ponente. Sus líneas de investigación van desde la contratación pública, el turismo sostenible y las metodologías innovadoras en educación.

Montserrat Hernández López, Universidad de La Laguna

Montserrat Hernández López es profesora Contratada Doctora en la Universidad de La Laguna. Es doctora en Economía por la misma universidad y cuenta con una estancia en Letonia dentro del departamento de Estudios Europeos. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la estadística, el turismo, las energías renovables y la compra pública.




How to Cite

Mendoza Jiménez, J., & Hernández López, M. (2022). How the public sector buys small things: direct procurement in the European Union and the opportunities for the Social Economy organizations. Ciriec-España, Revista De economía Pública, Social Y Cooperativa, (106), 31–54.
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