Cross-dressed writing: Identity’s Construction of Claudina Regnier
Sicalipsis, Álvaro Retana, feminine authorship, author’s image, cross-dressing, campAbstract
On the 17th of March of 1911, the first of “Renglones de una excéntrica” was published on El Heraldo de Madrid. The author was Claudina Regnier, a lady of eighteen years old, who had the purpose of laughing at moral and earning an outrageous celebrity. However, she was accused of being a cross-dresser or the writer Álvaro Retana, who really was cross-dressed under that name. This work proposes to analyze the subversive elements in Claudina’s authorial identity and to find in what way that makes her feminine sign unauthorized. Accordingly, it will be exposed the links between her and a new camp sensibility.
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