Points and ports in the space of light





Bible, landscape, horizon, synaesthesia, Giorgione, Giacometti, Melville, Vallejo, Nabokov, Bonnefoy


The following essay relates the analytical and synesthetic approaches that as a human species we have with the landscape and the horizon. He begins his journey with the first paragraph of the Bible, and from there he goes on to the aporias that theoretical physics faced, the analysis of pictorial examples ranging from Giorgione to Giacometti, literary examples taken from Melville, Vallejo, Nabokov and Bonnefoy to close with a question based on the latest proposals in physics about the multiverses.


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How to Cite

Serrano, P. (2022). Points and ports in the space of light. Diablotexto Digital, 12, 220–241. https://doi.org/10.7203/diablotexto.12.25290
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)
