Spaces of Dissent: Translation, Circulation, and Censorship of Henry Miller’s and Anaïs Nin’s Works in Late-Francoism




censorship, translation, importation of books, Late-Francoism, archive


This article showcases the importation and circulation of translations in Late-Francoism, focusing on the reception of Henry Miller’s and Anaïs Nin’s novels by studying import and censorship files at Archivo General de la Administración. It analyzes the textual processes that different translations underwent by means of correspondence between agents involved in producing such translations in Spanish and Catalan. This article sheds light on transnational editorial relationships that existed during the Franco regime when importing foreign literature, especially works already translated into Spanish in other parts of the Spanish-speaking world in contrast to those published in the Peninsula.


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How to Cite

Monzón, S. (2023). Spaces of Dissent: Translation, Circulation, and Censorship of Henry Miller’s and Anaïs Nin’s Works in Late-Francoism. Diablotexto Digital, 14, 335–354.
  • Abstract
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