Politics of abjection, community and transorority in Camila Sosa Villada’s Las malas


  • Sarah Valentín Sánchez University of Alabama, USA




Transexuality, Coming-of-age novel, autofiction, abjection, transfeminism, sorority, empathy, community, posthumanism, social justice.


In light of the policies of abjection (Purvis, 2019), my essay demonstrates how Las malas (2019), by Camila Sosa Villada, employs an aesthetic of abjection to shake the reader with the purpose of increasing empathy towards subjects perceived as marginal or monstrous. Through the appropriation of the abject, her autofictional coming-of-age novel resignifies the trans condition and proposes other ways of becoming a woman, mothering, and coexisting within kinship systems. It is concluded that behind abjection stands a sort of "trans ethic," or a way of living together based on the display of exponential solidarity, termed transorority in these pages.


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How to Cite

Valentín Sánchez, S. (2024). Politics of abjection, community and transorority in Camila Sosa Villada’s Las malas. Diablotexto Digital, 15, 84–104. https://doi.org/10.7203/diablotexto.15.27143
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