Communicating classical mythology through virtual museums: a multimedia experience
teaching, mythology, art museum, learning, cultural exhibition, digitizationAbstract
The objective of this work is to offer a reflection on the use of digital applications that contribute to the creation of a multimedia knowledge, in particular, to recreate virtual scenarios with the appearance of museum rooms. The aim is to contribute, from teaching, to the approach to artistic manifestations that sink their roots in classical mythology. The final work example has been developed with the Emaze and People art factory applications that combine the use of artistic images and oral expression with brief explanatory audios. To contextualize the working method, the descriptio phase is highlighted, as well as the relevance that underlies the selection of works of art of each exhibition. The character of hypertext, of multilingual narration that acquire the final results is one of the conclusions of these virtual works, because whoever develops the museum can choose the narrative thread to follow. This conjunction highlights the importance of creative and communicative skills developed by learners, as well as emotional competence. Finally, it is concluded that the motivating nature of this practice contributes to the good learning of Classical Culture by bringing its participants to the functions of the role of exhibition curator, allowing them to observe classical mythology from multiple personal perspectives thus contributing to the integral formation of the disciple.
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