Mescaline, rice and cart. A sociocultural reading of the “Moguda Valenciana” with a gender perspective




Turn-of-the-century Valencia became a cultural anthill where what has become known as the Moguda Valenciana began to emerge, closely related to the aesthetics that came from northern Europe -with a local reinterpretation- which would be the beginning of what became known as Ruta del Bakalao. Currently, we are experiencing a recovery of what the Moguda Valenciana meant in the cultural, social and artistic field, to the point of being considered an inclusive cultural scene, converted into a sign of identity of Valencia at the end of the 20th century. Now, it is possible that this consideration was due to a process of mythologizing of a movement that had been demonized in the collective imagination. That is why we have to approach the scene through its cultural products -music and plastic arts- and its sociability, to observe the situation of women in the Moguda Valenciana.


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Author Biographies

Jose Antonio España-Salinas, Universitat de València

Doctorand. Departament d'Història Moderna i Contemporània, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de València. 

Mercè Domènech Cerdà, Universitat de València

 Doctorand. Departament d'Històra de l'Art, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de València 


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How to Cite

España-Salinas, J. A., & Domènech Cerdà, M. (2024). Mescaline, rice and cart. A sociocultural reading of the “Moguda Valenciana” with a gender perspective. EFÍMERE, 1, 114–127.
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