Brazilian imaginary in the pandemic – «cattle» or «yacaré»


  • Fernando Zarpelon



Imaginary, mythology, Brazil, cancel culture


The article offers an interpretative path for cultural products that emerged from the Brazilian political debate during the breakthrough of COVID-19 pandemic information on social media and messaging networks, and that had the performance of Jair Bolsonaro as a reference. Using the theoretical framework of Psychoanalytic Semiotics, it balances speeches and identity profiles present in different psychosocial spheres to investigate cultural mitogenesis bringing light to cancel culture’s phenomena. The analysis deepens the understanding of signifiers such as «gado» (cattle), «imunidade de rebanho» (herd immunity), «virar jacaré» (turn alligator), «cercadinho» (cow pen), «leite» (milk), amongst others, verified in the narratives of the pandemic. Bolsonaro’s representation is articulated with the idea of the «father of the primitive horde» in Freud and the Lacanian Other. It presents psychoanalitical concepts such as unheimlich, das Ding and abjection, dialoguing with Sloterdijk’s spherological theory. It also offers a contemporary overview on the affections and feelings involved in the symbolization and resignification of the semiotic context (mediated by social networks). It considers fake news and post-truth in the political manipulation of the imaginary order (as historical objects) by observing the production of mythological narratives aiming for psychosocial identity processes yield, which seeks to amplify the partisan spheres. The text emphasizes the emotions of fear and the search for immunity as articulators of Brazilian political spheres and the discursive dynamics established between them.


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Author Biography

Fernando Zarpelon

Fernando Zarpelon is a social communicator with a degree in Advertising and Propaganda from the School of Communications and Arts at the University of São Paulo. Interested in image production and contemporary mythogenesis, he has worked as a freelance designer and advertiser since 2007. In 2018 he worked as Art Director for Social Media in Luis Inácio “Lula” da Silva’s Brazilian presidential election campaign. Fernando Zarpelon is specialized in Psychoanalytic Semiotics - Clinic of Culture by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, having presented a monographic work on imaginary and cancel culture in the Brazilian electoral context, as well as on the rise of the extreme right to power with Jair Bolsonaro as president of the country. Since 2021 he became a consultant for the non-governmental organization Avaaz Foundation, where he is responsible for creating political content.  


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How to Cite

Zarpelon, F. (2022). Brazilian imaginary in the pandemic – «cattle» or «yacaré». EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 24, 59–72.
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)





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