Decolonial Humanity a Weltliteratur. From Emerson to Steven Spielberg




Philology, World Literatures, Decolonial Humanities, Archives.


From 1837 until well into the 20th century, passing through the great poetic-political outburst of modernism, the American continent proposed projects of intellectual independence, decolonization of thought and policies of regional and linguistic integration (Andrés Bello’s Grammar, for example). Literature and the arts played a strategic role in the design of a strategy to achieve cultural sovereignty or, on the contrary, to subsume it into new forms of imperialism (Carmen Miranda as a tool of the Pan-Americanist project proposed by the United States, for example). In particular, the tensions between often irreconcilable models of integration in Rubén Darío’s work will be examined.


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Author Biography

Daniel Alejandro Link, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero - Universidad de Buenos Aires

Daniel Link directs at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero the Master’s Degree in Latin American Literary Studies, the Master’s Degree in Digital Humanities and the Program of Contemporary and Comparative Latin American Studies. He is a professor of 20th Century Literature and of the “Pedro Henríquez Ureña” Free Chair of Latin American Philological Studies at the University of Buenos Aires. He edited the work of Rodolfo Walsh and published, among others, the essay books La chancha con cadenas, Cómo se lee (translated into Portuguese), Leyenda. Literatura argentina: cuatro cortes, Clases. Literatura y disidencia, Fantasmas. Imaginación y sociedad and Suturas. Imágenes, escritura, vida, La lectura, una vida... (published by Gallimard as Autobiographie d’un lecteur argentin with translation by Charlotte Lemoine), the novels Los años noventa, La ansiedad, Montserrat and La mafia rusa, the poetry collections La clausura de febrero y otros poemas malos and Campo intelectual y otros poemas and his Teatro completo. His work has been partially translated into Portuguese, English, German, French and Italian. He also directs the magazine Chuy. He is a member of the executive committee of the international project financed by the European Union “Archives in Transition”.


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How to Cite

Link, D. A. (2023). Decolonial Humanity a Weltliteratur. From Emerson to Steven Spielberg. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 25, 67–76.
  • Abstract
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