The Importance of Inception: Louis Althusser, the critique of Ideology and Zapatism
Althusser, Ideology, Critic, State, MarxismAbstract
The importance of "Althusserianism" in shaping the ideology of "Subcomandante Marcos" is addressed. The production context in which Althusser's work breaks out, its different drifts in the Mexico of the seventies, and finally the perspectives that converge in the critique of Marcos is addressed. The production context in which Althusser's work breaks out, its different drifts in the Mexico of the seventies, and finally the perspectives that converge in the critique of the ideology and the overcoming of the traditions of understanding the Marxism. All this with the purpose of showing that among the diverse roots that the Zapatista ideology has, "Althusserianism" operates as a criticism of the State and also of the Marxist left. Specifically, a set of texts produced in the late seventies that show the influence from the theory of ideology and discourse analysis.
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