Global reflections of the communicative and political success of zapatism. From United States to Russia, through Belgium or Kurdistan




EZLN, Social mobilization, Politics, Zapatista influences, Black Panthers, PKK, Chto Delat?


Zapatism global communicative success explains the enormous influence and sympathy that this social movement reached back in the nineties. Since then, we can find Zapatist echoes far beyond Mexican borders, in the five continents, as it was one of the main references for the anti-globalisation protests in the turn of the century or in the world public outrage movement of 2011. Despite a lower presence in media, caused for the loss of novelty after several decades passed since its emergence, its influence is still globally important and traceable in multiple movements and social initiatives. This article analyzes, as a sample, four cases of reflections and sociopolitical practices, from the United States to Russia, Belgium or Kurdistan. This success may be explained by its political flexibility and non-alignment with pre-existing leftist ideologies, along with a very effective and original repertoire of popular mobilization, and the development of diverse alternative cultural initiatives.


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Author Biography

Manuel Lario Bastida

Catedrático de Lengua Castellana y Literatura en IES Ingeniero de la Cierva, de Murcia. Doctor por la Universidad de Murcia con la tesis Los armados de la palabra. Análisis comunicativo de la autonomía zapatista (2015). Investigador del grupo Estudios Críticos de Comunicación (ECCO) de la Universidad de Almería. Miembro del Comité Editorial de la revista Pensamiento al margen.


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How to Cite

Lario Bastida, M. (2018). Global reflections of the communicative and political success of zapatism. From United States to Russia, through Belgium or Kurdistan. Kamchatka. Revista De análisis Cultural., (12), 99–132.
  • Abstract
  • Artículo (Español)



La rebelión zapatista: productividad y resistencias culturales


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