“Construir la poesía como una enfermedad de la piel”. HIV/AIDS representation in democratic Spain
counterculture, HIV, AIDS, poetic panorama, democratic Spain, multilingualismAbstract
The present essay is focused on the study of representation of people affected by HIV/AIDS in contemporary Spanish poetry. Its main purpose is to approach the reader to HIV/AIDS, which is an issue extremely marginalized, through the testimonial value of poetry. Likewise, in order to address the variations that occurred in the lyrical discourse in relation to the evolution of the disease in the Spanish context, this essay will outline an overview of those works and compositions, written in the different languages of the Spanish State: Spanish, Galician, Catalan and Basque, which were published between the last decades of the 20th century and the early years of the 21st century. Finally, this essay aims to show how the representation of the HIV-positive people that appears in Spanish poetry does not carry the moral stigma that was initially spread by the press and the scientific media.
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