Transgenerational Transmission of Memory of Francoism: The Home Movie as Document in Making Memory (2005) by Sandra Ruesga
francoist monuments, home movie, postmemory, performative documentary, materiality and affectsAbstract
In the documentary short film Making Memory, Sandra Ruesga edits fragments of the home movies that her parents recorded from the transition period to the nineties along with current telephonic conversations between her and her parents. The innocent record of family visits to Francoist monumental spaces changes its reception context when it is recycled by the generation of postmemory to make a microhistorical chronicle in the performative documentary. My aim in this article is to inquire into the construction of memory around the Francoist monuments in private home movies that are transformed into a document when they become public. To that purpose, I focus on the strategies to rise the forgetting of the past and whitewash the dictatorship materialized in the original videos that Ruesga appropriates. Likewise, I draw on theories of postmemory, performative documentary and material culture to analyze the recontextualization of the family archive as a medium of transgenerational transmission of memory.
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