Objects of Destiempo in the Spanish Republican Exile. Materiality and Memory in Contemporary Memoirs
Material Culture, Francoism, Memoirs, Spanish Republican ExileAbstract
This paper aims to introduce and consider some issues related to the study of the material culture in Spanish society during the Francoist regime. The starting point will be the relationship that the exiles from the dictatorship of Francisco Franco have with some objects. I refer to everyday objects that accompanied them in exile and to all those pieces of material culture that they had to leave behind in Spain. Such items are loaded with intense symbolism, becoming a support for the identity construction of their owner, but also a sanctuary of memory and true emotional refuge. All these approaches will be introduced since the analysis of the memoirs of four Spanish memoirists: Isabel García Lorca, Jaime Salinas, Francisco Ayala, and Manuel Fernández-Montesinos. Why do these pieces of material culture play a key role in their books? How do they manage to become emotional fetishes? These are some of the questions considered in this work.
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