Photographic Abstraction and Material Performativity
Argentine photography, photograms, quimigrams, neo-materialisms, performativity.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the place of ma-teriality in the study of a group of abstract photographic works produced in Argentina between 1960 and 1980. In order to carry this out, it will be necessary to make a brief review of different theoretical approaches to the medium in order to set the place occupied by the reflection on ma-teriality. Then, we will try to outline a notion of materiali-ty conceived in the terms of a relational multiplicity with the aim of describing a set of photographic objects that in the framework of aesthetic abstractionism in Argentina challenged the referential models of photography and ins-cribed the update of a photographic idea conceived beyond the indexical paradigms or the cultural constructivism as-sociated to the medium. According to this, we will try to sustain that in photographic abstraction a performative logic of materiality is put into play that destabilizes the conventional ways of conceiving the technical image.
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