Towards an archive of gay feelings. A reading of the cinema of Martín Rejtman and Marco Berger
Martín Rejtman, Marco Berger, cine argentino, cine queer, archivo de sentimientosAbstract
This essay makes a comparative reading between the cinema of Martín Rejtman and that of Marco Berger's, not from the point of view of aesthetic or narrative similarities or differences but from a queer perspective in connection to elements of the doctrine of the affections and emotions. This way, the relationship established between the films of both filmmakers can be thought in terms of affectation rather than intertextuality. Starting from the idea of Bromance linked to the concept of homosociability, a reading will be proposed that breaks with the idea of queer cinema associated with the representation of homosexual identities and practices in order to take it more in relation to the questioning or the crisis of the hetero/homosexual binarism, so as to focus, instead, on the cracks, the edges and the borders where sexuality becomes diffuse or fluid. Consequently, we encourage an approach to the New Argentine Cinema not from the representation of sex-dissident identities but as an archive of queer feelings.
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