Migration and Border: A Circular Topography of Border Violence. Insight into the artistic work of Cristian Pineda





migration, art, violence, borders, exhibition, collective memory, Mexico


The paper explores the artistic work of Cristian Pineda and wants to lead the reader to the migratory trails of the Mexican borders. To this end, the article confronts the situation of violence that affects the country’s borders. Considering this violence as generalized and generalizable cycles, the text approaches a dialogue between art and migration, borders and violence, memory and justice. The purpose of the reading is to understand how art can be an alternative to numbers, statistics and institutional discourses to talk about borders and migrants. For this, the article exposes the process of creation of the artwork as well as its exhibition to the public and the social interactions that this provokes. The final objective is to understand how art can assume a social and political position in the context of border violence in northern Mexico, particularly in the Arizona desert.


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How to Cite

Naveau, P. (2022). Migration and Border: A Circular Topography of Border Violence. Insight into the artistic work of Cristian Pineda. Kamchatka. Revista De análisis Cultural., (20), 59–79. https://doi.org/10.7203/KAM.20.22129
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La frontera entre México y Estados Unidos: violencia e imaginación cultural


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