A Love-Fan Card: Alfonso López Gradolí’s 'Quizá Brigitte Bardot venga a tomar una copa esta noche'
Spanish contemporary poetry, Cultura del destape, Triunfo Magazine, Modernity, Late-francoist SpainAbstract
Based on an interview Anibal Núñez for Triunfo, this article briefly describes the demystifying project attempted by some poets in late-francoist Spain which tried to criticize the erotization of consumption appropriating some of its rhetorical instruments. Against this background, I analyze Alfonso López Gradolí’s Quizá Brigitte Bardot venga a tomar una copa esta noche (1971), a long poem which shares motives and techniques with the previously mentioned. However, Gradolí’s long poem constitutes a lyrical contribution to Brigitte Bardot’s mythification which became a symbol of the “cultura del destape”. A political reading of Gradolí´s willingly experimental work shows how it join forces with the cultural and moral modernization aim by late-francoism and that what’s no other thing but a spectacular display of naked female bodies.
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