The Case of Laja and San Rosendo: The Use of Archives in the Narrative of Human Rights Violations in Documentary Film and Investigative Journalism




archive, human rights, memory, documentaries, book-reportage


This article analyzes and compares the use of files on human rights violations during the Chilean dictatorship (1973-1990) in the construction of the story of the book-reportage A la sombra de los cuervos by Javier Rebolledo (2016) and the documentary Las cruces of Teresa Arredondo and Carlos Vásquez Méndez (2019). Both works deal with the case known as “La masacre de Laja y San Rosendo” in which, in October 1973, nineteen workers from the rural area were murdered by the police, with the complicity of the private company, the collaboration of civilians and the subsequent omission and negligence of justice. The analysis focuses on the archive-operations that both cultural productions carry out with the aim of building a true and coherent account of the events. The review of both the different types of archives, its origin, materiality, exhaustiveness in use and in general its narrative function in each of the works, gives an account of the type of operation this device performs in the different stories of the present about a past in constant dispute and marked by omissions and the absence of truth and justice.


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Author Biographies

María Laura Lattanzi Vizzolini, Universidad de Chile

María Laura Lattanzi holds a PhD in Philosopy, with special mention in aesthetics and art theory (University of Chile) and a bachelors degree in sociology from the University of Buenos Aires. She works in the Theory of Arts Department at University of Chile. Her current research deals with the intersections among film, history, and memory. She has been a researcher in interdisciplinary projects regarding the use and appropriation of archives of the repression in current cultural production.

Antonia Torres Agüero, Universidad Austral

Antonia Torres has a PhD in Literature (Dr. der Phil, Romanistik) and is an associate professor with the Institute of Private Law and Sciences of Law at Austral University of Chile. Her lines of research are post-dictatorship Chilean poetry, contemporary Chilean fiction and the articulations that the memory of dictatorial violence adopts in some of their works. She has been a researcher in interdisciplinary projects regarding the use and appropriation of archives of the repression in current cultural production.

Marcela Ruiz, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Marcela Ruiz holds a PhD in Linguistics and works in the Department of Literature and Languages at Alberto Hurtado University, Chile. She is interested in the use of language from a pragmatic, social and situated perspective in cultural and political settings. She is working on the representation of political violence in archive records and the methodological issues involved in archive records analysis from an interdisciplinary perspective.


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How to Cite

Lattanzi Vizzolini, M. L., Torres Agüero, A., & Ruiz, M. (2022). The Case of Laja and San Rosendo: The Use of Archives in the Narrative of Human Rights Violations in Documentary Film and Investigative Journalism. Kamchatka. Revista De análisis Cultural., (20), 205–226.
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Miscellany: topics, poetics and issues of contemporary culture


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