Elena Fortún in "Oculto sendero", the Possibility of a Testimony





Autobiography, LGBTI , Queer, Testimony, Subalternity.


This paper aims to analyse Elena Fortún’s autobiographical novel Oculto sendero (2016) as a fundamental testimony of LGBTI+ history in Spain. To carry out this research, I propose a materialist analysis of the diegesis and the contexts to which it relates: the one of the recounted events, the one of the time of writing, i.e. when the author was finally able to begin elaborating her story, and the present, when her story is finally made public. This reception allows real testimony to take place: the testimony is only possible when her acknowledgment as a lesbian has found reception and acceptance. The construction of identity will be studied from its different aspects: as a woman, as a woman who writes in the first half of the Spanish twentieth century, as a lesbian, as a subaltern subject and as a writer who expresses her gender dissidence through the hidden and revealed narration of different experiences and statements that I will try to categorise.


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Author Biography

Sara R. Gallardo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y  Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

Sara R. Gallardo is a visiting professor/researcher of Spanish Literature at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Germany), supported by the Margarita Salas Postdoc Grant (MIU/NextGenerationEU/PRTR). After studying Journalism and Culture (Theory and Critique) at the Universities of Valladolid (Spain), Potsdam (Germany) and Carlos III of Madrid (Spain), she completed her PhD in Humanities on The construction of subjectivity(/ies) in the contemporary family autonovel: writing, memory and body in Spanish literature at University Carlos III of Madrid. She worked meanwhile as Academic Head of Condé Nast College Spain and as an associated professor at the University. She is the author of three poetry books: Epidermia (2011), Berlín no se acaba en un círculo (2014) and ex vivo (2020). She also published some articles and book chapters on Spanish and Latin American Literature. Her research interests include contemporary study of autobiographical genres and family and political memory, the expression of subaltern and marginal voices, especially of psychiatrized people, and the treatment of official archives (biopolitical records) in the configuration of personal stories.


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How to Cite

Gallardo, S. R. (2023). Elena Fortún in "Oculto sendero", the Possibility of a Testimony. Kamchatka. Revista De análisis Cultural., (21), 45–74. https://doi.org/10.7203/KAM.21.24294
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Monográfico. Historia del testimonio en España


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