“'Raise Ravens' and They will Take Out Your Eyes”: Feminine Fantasies of Dissent in Franco’s Time
Film analysis, Feminism, Franquism, History of cinema, Spanish cinema, Psychoanalysis.Abstract
This work addresses the analysis of Cría cuervos (1975) by Aragonese filmmaker Carlos Saura, a border crossing film towards the period after the death of Franco shot in a key moment of the transition period to democracy (1975-1982). A family melodrama that explores the tensions of the normative gender ideals and the conditions of life of women within the context of the bourgeois patriarchal institution of the family portrayed as an allegorical representation of Franco’s regime and its moral corruption. The study departs from a methodological approach that turns to Feminist Film Theory in order to explore the staging of the Oedipal conflicts within the family cell, inasmuch as it works as a political metaphor of the dictatorship, within a dramaturgy that resorts to parricide as a central narrative leitmotiv of its ideological dissent, that is to say, as a symbolic act of transgression and feminine resistance against the regime.
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