Monumental Intervention in Chile: Living Museums in Times of Social Mobilization
Monumental intervention, Living museums, Memory activism, Social revolt, ChileAbstract
On October 18, 2019, one of the most massive social mobilizations in Chile’s history began, transforming the country’s political scenario and unleashing a less expected phenomenon, a wave of monumental alterations characterized by the questioning, intervention, creation and in some cases destruction of Chile’s public monuments. Although this phenomenon is not new in the world, in Chile it was expressed in a magnitude never seen before, with more than 64% of the monuments intervened throughout the country. Based on a qualitative research project that includes 45 interviews with people who participated in the protests and an archival work that considers historical documents and press reports of the intervened monuments, this paper argues that the intervention of monuments shaped true living museums. Three characteristics of the interventions to monuments considered crucial to produce a museographic experience different from the traditional and memorable for visitors-demonstrators are analyzed: the mobilization of national and local memories, the intense affective tone produced by the interventions and the disruption of urban space. The article ends with a reflection on the potential of monumental intervention and its traces once periods of social upheaval are reversed or concluded.
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