Debunking Common Beliefs about Stronism. The Narrative of the MEVES Virtual Museum, Memory and Truth about Stronism
memory, narrative, museums, common beliefs, ParaguayAbstract
MEVES Virtual Museum, Memory and Truth about Stronism, was created in 2008 to disseminate the Final Report of the Truth and Justice Commission of Paraguay. It serves as both a repository and a space for the dissemination of memory, becoming a social actor of memory. Using this format, the Commission’s research results can be brought closer to young people entering politics, crossing geographical boundaries. By providing a narrative that condemns human rights violations committed during Alfredo Stroessner’s dictatorship, the Virtual Museum seeks to build a moral community, discussing some of the common sense that exists in Paraguayan society in relation to the economic and political situation and the naturalization of certain corruption. The purpose of this article is to examine the narrative of MEVES in order to understand what elements articulate its memorial proposal, what meanings it produces about the past, and what extension they have towards the future.
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Museo virtual MEVES
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