Peer review process
All contributions must be original research of attested scientific quality. These must therefore be subjected to a peer-review, double-blind review process by external reviewers proposed by the editors of the volume, in accordance with their area of expertise.
Papers will be sent through the journal's OJS platform, after the authors have registered.
Editors will receive the articles and make sure that they conform to the scientific rigour and style guidelines of the journal. Should articles not conform to these requirements, editors will ask authors to amend or correct the articles (within a month at a maximum). Otherwise, the article will be rejected.
After the first selection and review by editors, all articles will be submitted to an anonymous (confidential) external review.
All articles will be submitted to double-blind peer review by two reviewers. It is mandatory that at least one of the reviewers is external to the FFTiC. Gender parity will be taken into account in the selection of referees, so that at least 40% of the total number of referees for each volume will be women.
Quaderns de Filologia will provide reviewers with an evaluation form including questions on thematic, formal and content aspects of the reviewed articles.
Reviewers will be insightful in their comments and corrections of the articles, and their reviews will be taken into account in final acceptance for publication or rejection.
Evaluation form
We shall be grateful if you would take the following questions into consideration while reviewing the article:
- What is the main contribution of this paper?
- What important questions does this paper address and answer?
- How does the paper help us further our understanding of the topic of the volume?
- Strengths and weaknesses of the paper.
- Originality of thought and significance for the field of study.
- Mention any specific issues related to the contents of the paper and highlight its problems and inconsistencies (please give page numbers).
- Would you accept this paper for publication?
☐ NO (please explain why)
☐ YES (select one of the following options):
___ Publish as is
___ Publish with minor revisions
___ Publish with major revisions
___ Revise and resubmit
___ Reject