Cantieri Meticci Theater Company: Method of work and staging of a creole- transcultural company (migrants, asylum seekers, political refugees)



Immigration, Creole-transcultural theatricality, Cantieri Meticci, Frontiers of the body, Aesthetics of displacement


The denomination Creole-transcultural theater was coined by the Italian researchers Maria Cristina Maureci and Marta Niccolai in 2015. It has been used to name a type of theatrical work and expression that combines collaborations between foreigners and locals, without categorically ranking or differentiating the contributions that both make in pursuit of artistic and social objectives. This occurs both at the level of dramaturgy and the creation and staging of the shows of various companies in the world. One of them is Cantieri Meticci, a Bologna company that has been working this modality since 2005. Initially, the company focused only on cooperative work with refugees and political asylum seekers from some reception centers in Bologna. However, perceiving the need for a more cross-cultural relationship between immigrants and locals, she began to welcome Italian actors of all ages and origins.


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Author Biography

Claudia Andrea Cattaneo Clemente

Actriz profesional, Licenciada en Artes Esce?nicas de la Universidad Mayor, Magister en Artes con mención en Dirección Teatral de la Universidad de Chile, Doctora en Artes con mención en Estudios y Pra?cticas Teatrales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Dottoressa di ricerca in Arti Visive, Performative, Mediali del Alma Mater Studiorum de la Università di Bologna. Como actriz, trabajó durante 15 años en la Compagnie des Arts Exilio dirigida por Alberto Kurapel. Entre sus principales líneas de investigación se hallan las teatralidades rituales de pueblos originarios del sur de Chile y las implicancias prácticas del exilio y el desplazamiento como dimensión estética en el teatro performance contemporáneo. Posee publicaciones en diversas revistas académicas, entre ellas, Telón de Fondo, Acotaciones, Argus-A; y en libros colectivos con otros investigadores, entre ellos, María de la Luz Hurtado, Fernando de Toro, Marco de Marinis, Alberto Kurapel. Actualmente se desempeña como Profesora titular en la Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, como docente en la Universidad de Chile y como investigadora postdoctoral en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Fondecyt-2021)




How to Cite

Cattaneo Clemente, C. A. (2022). Cantieri Meticci Theater Company: Method of work and staging of a creole- transcultural company (migrants, asylum seekers, political refugees). Zibaldone. Estudios Italianos, 10(1), 86–118. Retrieved from
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