Nights and fogs of a nation. The case of Marco Tullio Giordana


  • Anton Giulio Mancino Università di Macerata (Italia)


Cinema, Politics, Anti-fascism, Gender, Femicide


The artistic maturity of Marco Tullio Giordana, a long-time intellectual and historically-politically competent filmmaker like few in the Italian panorama, emerges from the progressive rarefaction and stylistic concentration that has always accompanied him from his 1980 debut film, Maledetti vi amero?. His style is constantly at the service of a discourse open to the viewer, ranging from the relations between cinema and politics, to those concerning the fight against the mafias and anti-fascism, to arrive at a discourse on gender equality that becomes the leitmotif. Only those who do not grasp the targeted essentiality of Giordana’s cinematic discourse, not having the tools to understand how much cinematographic language owes in their case to the instance of reality, can still continue to mistake it for unconditional surrender to a standard television dish.


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Author Biography

Anton Giulio Mancino, Università di Macerata (Italia)

Juan Pérez Andrés (Valencia, 1973) es doctor en Filología. Se licencia en 1996 en Filología Anglogermánica por la Universidad de Valencia tras cursar parte de sus estudios en la Friedrich-Alexander Universität de Erlangen-Nürnberg (Alemania). En 1997 inicia la carrera docente como profesor de secundaria, ingresando en 2003 por oposición como profesor de Lengua Castellana y Literatura en el Cuerpo de Funcionarios. En la actualidad es profesor del IES Comarcal (Burjassot). En 2009 se licencia en Filología Italiana por la Universidad de Valencia, tras cursar en 2013,  el Máster en Formación e Investigación Teatral en el Contexto Europeo (UNED), obtiene el doctorado con un trabajo sobre la dramaturgia de Marco Paolini. Es fundador y director de la revista Zibaldone. Estudios italianos y presidente de la Asociación Cultural Zibaldone.




How to Cite

Mancino, A. G. (2022). Nights and fogs of a nation. The case of Marco Tullio Giordana. Zibaldone. Estudios Italianos, 10(1), 64–76. Retrieved from
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