Gender and the body in Léonora Miano's 'Crépuscule du tourment': between fiction and friction




Léonora Miano, body, gender, sub-Saharan female writing, decolonization


Crépuscule du tourment, by the French-Cameroonian writer Léonora Miano, offers us the opportunity to analyze the female body and gender located in the current problems of African and Afro-descendant women, in a Francophone context. Four voices unravel the bodily f(r)itions of their bodies of memory, bodies of desire, social bodies or maternal bodies. With this textual quartet, Miano celebrates a poetics of the relationship made of contact and permeability to deconstruct the bodily “folds” acquired throug atavism.


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Author Biography

Mª Carmen Molina Romero, University of Granada

She is a full professor at the University of Granada (Spain), where she teaches French language and linguistics in the Grado en Estudios Franceses and French literature in the Master de Lenguas y Culturas Modernas.

Following a thesis and publications on Marguerite Yourcenar, she has also worked on the literary bilingualism of Franco-Spanish authors (‘Double langue et création littéraire’, Imaginaire et inconscient, 2004 (14), ‘Écrivains afrancesados au XXe siècle’, Écrivains multilingues et écritures métisses. L'hospitalité des langues, 2007). Spanish translator of Agustin Gómez Arcos's novel L'enfant-pain (Cabaret Voltaire).

Since joining the Grupo de Investigación HUM 733. Filología Francesa: Estudios Lingüísticos. Literarios, an approach that focuses on writing rooted in the French language as a space for identity and expression. Exploring African women's writing, she has coordinated two publications in the Documents pour l'Histoire des Francophonies collection published by Peter Lang (La langue qu'elles habitent. Écritures de femmes, frontières, territoires, 2020, and Écrivaines camerounaises de langue française. Voix/ voies de transmissions, 2023), participated in publications (Cédille, Thélème) and led debates and meetings (Colloque Écrits de femmes au coeur des Francophonies, 2024) on this subject.


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How to Cite

Molina Romero, M. C. (2024). Gender and the body in Léonora Miano’s ’Crépuscule du tourment’: between fiction and friction. HYBRIDA, (9), 111–129.
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