Oceans. The impact of global change on the sea


  • Carles Pedrós-Alió Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology (CSIC, Madrid, Severo Ochoa Centre) (Spain).
  • Josep Maria Gasol i Piqué Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC, Barcelona, Severo Ochoa Centre) (Spain).
  • Rafel Simó i Martorell Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC, Barcelona, Severo Ochoa Centre) (Spain).




A phenomenon of exceptional importance such as global change and its multiple effects has been discussed in several Mètode monographs. In recent years, public concern about what we already perceive to be the greatest threat to humanity has not stopped growing; at the same time, the United Nations have proclaimed the period 2021-2030 as the Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development, recognising the close relationship between the oceans, climate, and social welfare. The sea is a climate regulator and a reservoir of biodiversity, a source of food and other resources, a transport route, a cultural asset, and the driving force behind the tourism industry; it is also a natural hazard and, unfortunately, a dumping ground for waste and refuse.


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Author Biographies

Carles Pedrós-Alió, Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology (CSIC, Madrid, Severo Ochoa Centre) (Spain).

Research Professor at the Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology (CSIC, Madrid, Severo Ochoa Centre) (Spain). PhD in Bacteriology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). Lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona with 25 years’ experience as a researcher at the Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC, Barcelona), working in the fields of marine microbial ecology and extreme environments. He has written three popular books (Desert d’aigua: Relat d’un científic a la banquisa àrtica, La vida al límite and Bajo la piel del océano) and the novel El diablo de Tasmania.

Josep Maria Gasol i Piqué, Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC, Barcelona, Severo Ochoa Centre) (Spain).

Research Professor at the Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC, Barcelona, Severo Ochoa Centre) (Spain). Microbial ecologist with an interest in aquatic systems: lakes, rivers, and the ocean. PhD in Biology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Microorganism research coordinator in the Malaspina campaign. Editor of the third edition of the book Microbial ecology of the oceans and the popular science book Microbios en acción: Biodiversidad invisible con efectos muy visibles.

Rafel Simó i Martorell, Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC, Barcelona, Severo Ochoa Centre) (Spain).

Research Professor at the Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC, Barcelona, Severo Ochoa Centre) (Spain). PhD in chemistry from the University of Barcelona. Specialist in marine biogeochemistry, with a particular interest in understanding how the marine biosphere affects atmospheric chemistry and climate. He is the co-author of the books Cambio global and Microbios en acción, and the second and third Reports on the Climate Change in Catalonia. He has also published the e-book Mar, gel i cel: Diari antàrtic.




How to Cite

Pedrós-Alió, C., Gasol i Piqué, J. M., & Simó i Martorell, R. (2021). Oceans. The impact of global change on the sea. Metode Science Studies Journal, (11), 162–163. https://doi.org/10.7203/metode.11.19797
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Oceans. The impact of global change on the sea
