Producing more food in a sustainable way is possible: Biotechnological and sustainable fertilisation as a way to face population growth




sustainable agriculture, root system, fertilisation, nitrogen, phosphate, microbiome


The dramatic increase in the world’s population expected in this century will force a proportional increase in agricultural production in order to ensure the food supply. However, society is now demanding new, more sustainable, and environmentally friendly production methods. In order to achieve this sustainable increase, new biotechnological tools such as gene editing or synthetic biology will have to be used, leveraging the knowledge generated by researchers over decades. The soil microbiome is emerging as a powerful biotechnological tool. The beneficial microorganisms harboured in soils promote plant growth by supplying nutrients and producing hormones and secondary metabolites. Thus, these microorganisms will likely be able to help increase agricultural production in a sustainable way.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos del Pozo, National Institute for Agronomic Research in Madrid (Spain).

Research Professor at the INIA (National Institute for Agronomic Research) in Madrid (Spain). He leads a research group at the Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Genomics (CBGP, UPM-INIA) that is identifying new genes and root-related microbiota as a response to nutritional starvation in order to generate knowledge that can help develop more efficient crops. 


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How to Cite

del Pozo, J. C. (2021). Producing more food in a sustainable way is possible: Biotechnological and sustainable fertilisation as a way to face population growth. Metode Science Studies Journal, (11), 39–45.
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