Human enhancement and functional diversity: Ethical concerns of emerging technologies and transhumanism


  • Miquel-Àngel Serra Pompeu Fabra University (Spain).



transhumanism, human enhancement (HE), functional diversity, genome edition, future generations


The concepts of posthuman, transhuman, transhumanism and human enhancement, and their use of emerging technologies, are described together with their scientific and social implications. Genome editing techniques for enhancement purposes, as well as their scientific, societal, and ethical drawbacks are specifically discussed. In particular, we focus on a perspective of personal and collective responsibility and social inclusion, considering all people, with their functional diversity or different abilities. Pros and cons of proposals for radical transformation as endorsed by transhumanism (genome editing), their impact on future generations and on subjects with functional diversity, and the need of a global ethical frame, are discussed.


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Author Biography

Miquel-Àngel Serra, Pompeu Fabra University (Spain).

PhD in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Master on Science Leadership & Management. Researcher at the Laboratory of Neuropharmacology, Department of Experimental & Health Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)  (Spain). He is co-author and co-ordinator, together with the lawyer Albert Cortina, of three books addressing transhumanism and human enhancement: ¿Humanos o posthumanos? Singularidad tecnológica y mejoramiento humano (Fragmenta, 2015), Humanidad∞. Desafíos éticos de las tecnologías emergentes (Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, 2016) and Singulares. Ética de las tecnologías emergentes en personas con diversidad funcional (Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, 2016).


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How to Cite

Serra, M.- Àngel. (2022). Human enhancement and functional diversity: Ethical concerns of emerging technologies and transhumanism. Metode Science Studies Journal, (12), 169–175.
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Transhumanism. Beyond the body
