An Orientation Marked by Gender? The Case of the Valencian Basic Vocational Education and Training




Gender, early school leaving, Vocational Education and Training, gender educational/occupational segregation, educational choices


In this article we present part of the results in the analysis of the Basic Vocational Education and Training from a gender perspective. A new training cycle included in the compulsory stage of the Spanish educational system in order to avoid early educational abandonment. To this end, adaptation and curricular diversification are combined since the academic curriculum is narrowed in favor of a greater professional content according to the branches offered. Gender clearly emerges as a fundamental variable to understand the small number of women enrolled, as well as their concentration in branches specially connoted in terms of gender. The interviews carried out with the coordination and orientation teams, which are essential for access to a FPB, allow us to verify the persistence of a gender segregation of the different formative itineraries justified on individual preferences. This justification implies taking measures from the centres in only individual terms and always mediated by the scarce available resources (personal and training). But, above all for what is their main priority, that is to avoid the early abandonment of studies. The result is a training cycle in which women are either absent or concentrated in strongly feminized training cycles, reducing thus their training and employment opportunities.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Obiol-Francés, Universitat de València

Departamento de Sociología y Antropología Social 

Grupo de investigación IPRODES-"Investigación en Procesos de Desigualdad" (Universitat de València)

Grupo COPOLIS. "Benestar, Comunitat i Control Social" (Universitat de Barcelona)

Elisabet Almeda Samaranch, Universitat de Barcelona 

Departamento de Sociología

Grupo COPOLIS. "Benestar, Comunitat i Control Social-GRC Universitat de Barcelona"

Dino Di Nella, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

Grupo COPOLIS. "Benestar, Comunitat i Control Social"

Nuria Pumar Beltrán, Universitat de Barcelona

Departament de Dret Privat

Grupo COPOLIS. "Benestar, Comunitat i Control Social-GRC Universitat de Barcelona"

Aida Ruiz Franco, Universitat Pompeu Fabra 

Departamento de Derecho

Núria Vergés-Bosch, Universitat de Barcelona 

Departament de Sociologia 

Grupo COPOLIS. "Benestar, Comunitat i Control Social-GRC Universitat de Barcelona"

Alícia Villar-Aguilés, Universitat de València 

Departamento de Sociología y Antropología Social 

Institut Universitari de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives-Universitat de València


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How to Cite

Obiol-Francés, S., Almeda Samaranch, E., Di Nella, D., Pumar Beltrán, N., Ruiz Franco, A., Vergés-Bosch, N., & Villar-Aguilés, A. (2020). An Orientation Marked by Gender? The Case of the Valencian Basic Vocational Education and Training. Revista De Sociología De La Educación-RASE, 13(3), 371–391.
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